IATA’s Live Animals Regulations course will teach you how to transport live animals by air safely, in the correct container and with the correct documentation. Learn about container requirements, documentation requirements, and awareness of animals’ health. Learn how to comply with standards and international welfare regulations. The successful application of the IATA Live Animals Regulations for the transport of live animals by air and the achievement of the provisions of international legislation regarding animal welfare during transport are greatly dependent on how well personnel are trained. This course will soon be available in e-Learning format, contact us for more information.

Duration : 4 – 6 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: IATA

Additional Info

Course format:

This course is available in printed textbook format. Enroll at an Authorized Training Center to study these materials with the help of a local trainer, or alternatively you can choose to study these materials on your own.

  • This course requires approximately 4-6 hours of study to be completed in 12 months from the purchase date (enrollment validity). After the enrollment validity expires, the users will not be able to take the exam.
  • Student performance will be based on an examination. Please refer to the Exam Information below for more details.



  •  There are no prerequisites for this course


What you will learn?

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  •  Satisfy compliance standards and master the use of IATA’s Live Animals Regulations manual
  •  Protect the safety and welfare of animals on the ground and in the air
  •  Review special routings and animal behaviors
  •  Identify and implement procedures to handle emergency situations
  •  Understand the container design principles for live animals


Course content:

  •  Proper use of IATA’s Live Animals Regulations manual
  •  Completion of the Shipper’s Certification for Live Animals, the Notification to Captain (NOTOC) and CITES documentation
  • Shippers and airlines responsibilities
  •  Classification and identification of live animals
  •  Packaging, documentation and marking requirements for live animal shipments


Who should attend?

This course is recommended for:

  •  Cargo agents
  •  Freight forwarders
  •  Airlines and cargo training specialists
  •  Cargo operations managers and frontline supervisors


Certificate awarded:

An IATA eCertificate is awarded to participants successfully passing the final exam.
Please note: As per LAR 1.4, this Certificate is only valid for 36 months

DURATION : 4-6 Hours

Additional Info