IATA Cargo Security Awareness

IATA Cargo Security Awareness

Build necessary awareness regarding air cargo security and understand applicable regulations, latest concepts and basic principles of security in cargo environment. This training may be used as a foundation for personnel who have to execute cargo security functions.

Duration : 160 – 200 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: IATA

Additional Info


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
• Discuss your role in the cargo security chain
• Identify possible targets in the cargo area
• Implement and enforce security in your working environment
• Recognize the importance of human factors in achieving security
• Discuss the real benefit to you and to prospective employers

Key topics

• Threats to aviation and introduction to cargo security
• Importance of implementation of security measures
• Catering and mail security
• Crime prevention
• Recognition and management of treats
• Human factors in Cargo security

Target audience

• All personnel involved in air cargo transportchain
• Staff working in companies under regulatedagent regime
• Freight forwarders personnel operating in thefield of air transport
• Those required to undergo a SecurityAwareness course before obtaining an airportaccess ID

Recommended level

• Entry-level
• Intermediate

Course format

This course requires approximately 160-200 hours of study to be completed in 12 months from the purchase date (enrollment validity). After the enrollment validity expires, the user will not have access to the course content and will not be able to take the exam. Student performance will be based on an examination.

Exam information

• Online exam with remote supervision
• You will be given 3 hours to complete 60multiple choice questions (closed textbook)
• Passing grade is 36 correct answers; 90%correct answers are needed for a distinction
• You will be given 2 attempts to successfullycomplete the final exam.

Certificate awarded

Upon successful completion of the exam, you will be awarded an IATA Certificate.

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