Procurement Management Workshop

Procurement Management Workshop

This two day Procurement Management training course is designed to enhance the performance of personnel involved in procurement contracts. The course will help participants understand complex contractual terms and conditions in simple English language.

Duration : 8 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

The 2 day interactive workshop will be conducted using a mixture of practical and theory syndicate sessions followed by group discussion. Delegates are encouraged to email or bring contracts which they are familiar with – which can be discussed in the end before closing of the workshop.

The workshop will enable participants to:

  •  Understand the principles of Procurement/Contract management
  •  Examine the business environment to foresee how the supplier/contractor may perform
  •  Effectively handle claims, variations and disputes
  •  Examine the steps involved in Pre-Award, Award and Post Award phase.
  •  Lessons learnt and Best Practices.


Day 1
Session -1
Introduction to Contract Management

  •  Definition of Contract Management
  •  When does Contract Management Commence
  •  Relationship between Project Manager & Contracts
  •  Four Key Components of Contract Management
    • Setting up the Contract Team
    •  Managing Service Performance
    •  Managing Relationship
    •  Contract Administration

Session -2
Contract/Formation of Contracts

  • Contracts
  •  Offer or Proposal
  •  Rejection of an offer / Counter offer.
  •  Acceptance
  •  Consideration
  •  Essentials of Valid Contract
  •  Free Consent
  •  Quasi Contracts
  •  Performance of Contract
  •  Breach Of Contract /Remedies
  •  Battle of Forms

Session -3
Rules of Interpretation of Contract

  •  How are contracts interpreted
  •  Dealing with ambiguity in contracts
  •  Importance of priority of documents

Session -4
Contracting Methods

  •  Contracting Methods
  •  Simplified Methods
  •  Formal Competitive Methods
  •  Sealed Bidding
  •  Key steps in Source Selection
  •  Reverse Auction
  •  Negotiation with Sole/Single Source

Session -5
Contracting Pricing Arrangements

  •  Uncertainty and Risk in contracting
  •  Fixed Price Contracts
  •  Contract reimbursable Contracts
  •  Time and Materials contracts
  •  Unit rate Contracts

Pre-Contractual Phase: Planning

  • Verify the requisition form for goods and services.
  •  Verify the statement of work
  •  Choose the appropriate procurement instrument
  •  Verify the Intellectual Property Considerations
  •  Develop the procurement strategy
  •  Review the evaluation criteria
  •  Develop the solicitation document
  •  Determine the appropriate contractor selection methodology
  •  Approval of the procurement process
  •  Reverse auction
  •  E- tendering

Session -7
Contracting phase : Bidding and awarding of contract

  •  Types of Tender
  •  Solicitation Process
  •  Solicit competitive bids
  •  Sealed Bidding
  •  Two Step Sealed Bidding
  •  Respond to inquiries from potential bidders
  •  Hold Bidders’ Conferences
  •  Negotiations
  •  Composition of Tender Committee
  •  Conduct Site Visits
  •  Evaluate competitive bids
  •  Award a contract
  •  Debrief unsuccessful bidders

Session -8
Contract management phase: After the contract is awarded

  •  Contract Administration
  •  Roles and Responsibilities
  •  RASCI
  •  Kick off Meetings
  •  Contract governance
  •  Service Level Agreement
  •  Variations and Dispute Management
  •  Contract Close out
  •  Lessons Learn
  •  Disputes and Claims.



Additional Info