Responsibility in the Workplace

Responsibility in the Workplace


“Responsibility in the Workplace Training” is a targeted program designed to instill a sense of responsibility and ethical conduct among employees. Participants learn the importance of accountability, integrity, and professional ethics to create a positive and responsible workplace culture.

Duration : 8 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

Module One: Getting Started

  •  Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Accountability Ladder

  • What is the Reality?
  • Take Ownership
  • Find Solutions
  • Implement Solutions
  • Admitting to a Mistake
  • Completing Work Shift
  • Pulling Weight in Group Tasks
  • Meeting Deadlines

Module Three: Examples of Responsibility
Module Four: Importance

  • Work Quality
  • Work Productivity
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Morale

Module Five: Benefits

  • Individual Success
  • Build Trust with Co-Worker
  • Build Trust with Organization
  • Success of Organization

Module Six: Characteristics of Responsible People

  • Humble
  • Transparent
  • Promise Keeper
  • Proactive

Module Seven: Barriers

  • No Direction
  • No Ownership
  • No Commitment
  • No Resilience

Module Eight: Overcome Barriers

  • Create Clear Goals
  • Provide Resources
  • Allow and Provide Feedback
  • Mentorship

Module Nine: Increasing Responsibilities

  • Prioritize Tasks
  • Communicate Expectations
  • Incentive Programs
  • Consequences

Module Ten: Accountability Software

  • WorkZone
  • Jira
  • Samepage
  • ProWorkflow

Module Eleven: Accountability Software II

  • TaskQue
  • Asana
  • Trello

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words From the Wise
Additional Info
Choose a Training Method

Classroom/Virtual : Flexible Date, E-Learning
